Länge sedan

Jag vet att det var ganska länge sedan jag bloggade, men jag har inte orkat. =/ Uppfuckade lärare i skolan och läxor och allmänt inte orkat. Vill inte blogga när det känns som att jag måste istället för att jag vill. =/

Men annars är livet bra. Snart kommer farmor och faster och det blir jul och sen ska jag till Göteborg i en hel vecka. <3 (med läxor... xD)

Frågeformuläraktig sak snodd från Viktormons DA

#1) You must fill out EVERY question! No skipping!
#2) Tag five people afterwards.


1. Perfect?
No! Who would want to be that? xD

2. Tall?
Not enough, but getting there.

3. In your pajamas?
Nope, still dressed.

4. Left handed?
Nope, don't have the genes for it. =P


1. Friend you saw:
Random people in my orchestra? Ok, seriously, Mlölis and S.

2. Talked to on the phone:
Joakim. <3

3. Person to text you:

4. Was today better than yesterday?
Dont' know, don't care, all days are good. =D


1. Number:
5! (haha, a mathematical joke =P)

2. Color(s):
Blue =3

3. Fruit:
Grapefruit! =D

4. Places:
Home. <3


Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
A: Registered that the cat wasn't in my bed any more.

Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: Nope. Solved the problem today. =D Oh, wait, my teacher in Swedish...

Q: What's the last movie you saw?
A: Intolerable Cruelty. 8D

Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: School? xD

Q: Do you smile a lot?
A: Does smiling so much that your jaws hurt and laughing count?

Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: No, don't know how to do it.

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: I try, but the sarcasm shines through.

Q: Where did you sleep last night?
A: In my own bed?

Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: Don't remember, I cry so often.

Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A: The cat's taking all the space in the bed.

Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?
A: 10/10. I love my life. =D

Q: What do you hear right now?
A: The fans in my computer.

Q: Does anything hurt right now?
A: No. At least my brain isn't registering any nervimpulses of pain right now.

Q: What's your favorite month?
A: Januari - You've got the hole year ahead of you. =D

Q: What did you do last night?
A: Slept?


1. Are you missing someone right now?
Yepps. <3

2. Are you happy?
Do you really have to ask?

3. Are you sad?
Not if I don't try.

4. Are you bored?
Not really

6. Are you nervous?
Nah, the mathtest on thursday's probably going to work out fine.

8. Are you tired?
Yepp. Always am. Going to be even more so tomorrow.


001. Real name?

002. Nicknames?
Charlie, Dragon, gullunge, Scarlett, Scarlett Knight (do you want me to go on?)

003. Eye color?

004. Zodiac sign?
Pisces!!! <3

005. Male or female?
Female of course. ~

008. Slut?
I'm not even going to answere that...

009. Smart?
Getting there

010. Hair color?

011. Long or short?

013. Sweats or Jeans?
Jeans - Not environmently friendly, but I love them anyways.

014. Phone or Camera?
Phone - How do you survive without one?

016. Drink or Smoke?

020. Tattoos?
Nope, but I have had one in henna

021. Righty or lefty?
What's your problem? Why are you asking again?


024. First best friend?
Astrid (still is)

025. First crush?
Kai from Beyblade

027. First pet?
Cat - Sotis (got run over, we think)

028. First big vacation?
Don't know and don't really care.


049. Eating?
Probably bacteria and viruses and other stuff like that

050. Drinking?
DReams and thoughts

052. I'm about to:
Go to bed

053. Listening to?
The fans of my computer

054. Plans for today?
Go to sleep?

070. Shorter or taller?
Define your question more specificaly please.

072. Romantic or spontaneous?
Romantic - I'm a 100% pisces you know

074. Sensitive or loud?

075. Hook-up or relationship?


079. Drank bubbles?
Define bubbles.

080. Lost glasses/contacts?
Since I don't use them: No.

081. Ran away from home?
The thought would never occur to me.

084. Broken someone's heart?
Yepp. And acctually don't care.

085. Been arrested?
At the airport, had to take of my belt through security. If that counts. 


090. Miracles?
Small miracles - yes.

Where is 91?
In your head?

092. Heaven?

093. Santa Claus?
I'd like to

094. Love?


097. Do you like someone?
Oh yes. <3

099. Do you believe in God?
No, not really.

100. Answered the truth on all questions:
Like I have time to think up i lie to everyone of them

Jag mår så himla bra! (ja, detta inlägg innehåller svordomar)

JAG MÅR SÅ JÄVLA BRA!!! =D <3 Det gör jag faktiskt. ^^ Både i natten till igår och natten till idag har jag sovit inte bara länge (10h respektive 8,5) utan jag har även sovit under rätt timmar av dygnet. Vet ni hur bra man mår av det?!?!?!? =D På väg hem igår utbrast jag spontant ut i luften bara "Fy fan vad bra jag mår!", och sen började jag nästan gråta över det bara för att det är så skönt. Nu känner jag verkligen hur trött jag har varit de senaste veckorna, och det är så jävla skönt att inte vara det längre. Att bara känna spontant att jag mår så himla bra!
   Det som är så bra med att sova är att minnet och immunförsvaret blir bättre, samt att man helt enkelt bara mår allmänt bra i hela kroppen. ^^ Man orkar mycket mer och all oro och stress försvinner. Man kan handskas med ALLT när man har sovit ordentligt och mår bra. =)

När kommer faster på torsdag?! D= Det är ingen som vet det!

Nu ska jag gå till skolan och vara allmänt lycklig över mitt liv och över att jag mår så himla bra! ^^

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