Warrior - Emi

Warrior - Det skrå som fokuserar mest på styrka, både fysisk och mental. Det mest romantiserade av de fyra. Här blandas hård fysisk träning med fokusträning och man får lära sig grunderna i hantering av svärd, sköld och spikklubba. Det enda skrå som utpräglat använder olika typer av rustning.

De tre inriktningarna

Guardians - Also called Shield Masters. Warriors with an emphasis on defence. In combat they use their shields more than their swords. They wear the heaviest armour of all and can withstand massive attacks on their own. They are also educated in the arts of protecting someone or something else besides themselves. Their weapon of choice is the shield and sword.

Berserker - Warriors with emphasis on devastating attacks. They wield the heaviest weapons of all, trading the defence of the shield for the power of the two-handed mace. Berserkers fight until they fall, heedless of any wounds afflicted upon them. their weapon of choice is the mace.

Bladesinger - Warriors with an emphasis on balance, focus and gracefullness. Trading strength and defence for balance and accuracy it is the hardest warrior-class to master, but can be the most deadly. They use two double-edged swords and seem to dance effortlessly through any battle. Their weapon of choice is two double-edged swords.

Archer - Mlölis

Archers - Det skrå som bemästrar långdistansvapen och har den högsta träffsäkerheten. De står även mycket nära naturen och får lära sig grunderna i djurskötsel och spårning, men även att använda vapen com pil och båge och armborst.

De tre inriktningarna:

Hunter - Also called Breeders. They have a close bond with Motehr Nature and all th elife she nurtures. They take care of and breed animals suited for different situations, and have their own animal companions fighting by their side. Their weapon of choice is the bow and arrow.

Sharpshooter - Also called Arbalists. They spend all their time mastering teh crossbow, training devastating accuracy. They are more or less useless in close combat. They are also the least tuned to nature of the three archer classes. Their weapon of choice is of course the crossbow or arbalist.

Scouts - Skilled at tracking and finding, especially out in the wild. Some scouts though choose to make society their "wilderness". They rely on their wits and light feet to get them out of trouble/danger. All scouts are capable of handling a bow and arrow and a crossbow, but they also have basic knowledge in defending themselves in close combat, preferably with a dagger. They have no particular weapon of choice and is the most diverse of all the "hero classes".

Thief - jag

Thief - Ett skrå med stort fokus på smidighet och snabbhet. Namnet kommer av att den "hjälte" som grundade skrået från början varit en tjuv och att det är tjuvens främsta egenskaper som lärs ut (förutom hur man stjäl). Ett omtvistat skrå som ses av många/vissa utomstående som ett "öppet" kriminellt skrå. Här lär man sig grunderna i gifter/motgifter, spela teater/underhålla och att vara osynlig.

De tre inriktningarna:

Ninjas - Also called Shadow Walker or Nightblades. Stealth, agility and hidden weapons are of great importance. Masters of invisibility and deception, they strike from the shadows and steal away before you notice they where ever there. Their weapon of choice is a wide range of small, gainly blades.

Charlatans - Also called Jesters. They emphasize on striking unnoticed right in the open. Great performers, actors and entertainers they are agile and swift. They use no weapons, but battle through laying physical or mental traps. Skilled at improvising. Their weapon of choice is their own bodies.

Toximancers - Obssessed with poisons and venoms, but also with antidotes and with potions in general. They have a wide knowledge of plants and herblore and people are strongly adviced never to touch anything a toximancer has handled. Their weapon of choise is poisons.

Magician - S

Magician - Grundläggande magic wielders. De lär sig sitt skrås historia samt både defensiv, offensiv och helande magi samt summoning. De lär sig att fokusera rätt och i början mest praktiska spells som kan hjälpa dem i vardagslivet.

De tre inriktningarna:

Acolytes - Magic wielders with an emphasis on healing and defending magic. They can heal wounds and diseases as well as cast protective spells and hold magical shields. Their weapon of choice is the staff.

Mages - Also called Battle Mages. Magic wielders with an emphasis on attack magic. They mostly use elemental magic like fire or water, but they can also unleash bursts of pure energy. Their weapon of choice is the magic embeded spear.

Summoners - Also called Rune Mages. They use runes in different forms (stones/crystalls inbeded with runes for example) together with rituals to call forth beasts and/or spirits to aid them. Their weapon of choice is of course runes.

Alla fyra - idé utan namn

Idén jag berättade om med karaktärer baserade på mig, S, Mlölis och Emi i en värld baserad på MMORPG-spel (typ Dragonica, WoW och/eller liknande) har fått en väldigt positiv respons från inblandade. ;) Så nu kör jag vidare och bygger upp världen runt om lite.

Det är typ medeltidsfantasyvärld (surprise, surprise) och det finns en mängd skrå (blacksmith, merchant, skomakare, you name it) definierade som "vanliga", typ vanliga jobb. Men det finns fyra speciella skrå som är svårare att komma in i och bemästra, men som grundades av "hjältar" för länge sedan så de är väldigt romantiserade (Delar av allt detta hittar jag på nu i skrivande stund, haha. Och jag blandar språk vilt). De skråna är Magician, Thief, Archer och Warrior (alltså inte militär/soldat). Har man lyckats komma in i ett av dem tränas man i början ganska "allmänt" i grundera för de olika "yrkena". Men det finns lite olika oppinions inom skråna vilken som är den "bästa/sanna" vägen för t.ex. en warrior att ta. Därför har skråna med tiden delats upp i "inriktningar" eller "specieliseringar", och de som hänger i och kämpar på kommer till slut inom varje skrå att följa en av tre vägar till specielisering. För ingen kan faktiskt bemästra allt. mer info om skråna och inriktningarna tänkte jag publicera i fyra egna inlägg, annars blir detta typ 3 mil långt och det pallar man inte läsa. På riktigt. Men jag kan påpeka att magi inte bara utövas exklusivt av magicians utan enklare formler lärs ut i alla sorters skrån som till exempel att en läderrem skall hålla extra länge eller ens nät skall fånga extra mycket fisk eller liknande.

De fyra "hjälteskråna" överlever genom att man kan köpa tjänster av dem. Till exempel att hitta något, ta tillbaka något, förstöra för någon, beskydda någon/något osv. Det finns inga regler om att de måste tänka moraliskt innan de tar emot request och det är köparna som åtalas vid moraliskt orätta gärningar. Dock tas det emot många fler "bra" eller "ofarliga" requests än "dåliga".

Dragon Princess forts.

The Dragon Crusades - Cleanders and dragons were not always as closely bound as now. Hundreds of years ago dragons plundered and scorched villages and towns as humans took their territory. This eventually lead to The Dragon Crusades where all countries except Cleander took part. All over the world dragons fled to Cleander when specially trained soldiers, dragon slayers, started to emerge. But when they came to Cleander the country refused to participate and began fighting for the dragons. First the dragons did not trust the people of Cleander and so the war had three fronts, but eventually the dragons saw what the Cleanders did and sacrificed for them and so they united and turned the tides of the war. Peace was then negotiated and a treaty signed where the dragons were promised a safe haven in Cleander if the royal family could keep the dragons under control and stop their plundering. This has in principal worked out and the treaty is still strong.

Dragon Princess forts.

In wartime – In wartime if there is time all people of Cleander are taken into the capital which is strongly fortified with stone walls and all gates are sealed. This includes watergates which cut of a bit of the river so no enemy watercrafts are able to get into the city harbour (these take some time to close). The human army is then posted round the walls defending against the attackers. Meanwhile the monarch calls upon the dragons for help, and as they are kindred in a way the dragons in the mountains heed their call, calling out to dragons in other parts of the world. The dragons start circulating above the capital without attacking, showing of their might and numbers. This display of strength has scared some attackers, but if they do not cede in their attacks the dragons will descend scorching and burning the earth outside the walls of the capital. This has happened a few time over the centuries and therefore some parts of the outer walls are still black and burned, and the houses outside the walls are newer than those found inside. Traditionally the eldest non-crown prince male is educated in the military arts and is apointed commander of the army and the royal guards.

Dragon Princess forts.

Culture – Over time some women of the people mated with dragons, but they found they where not made pregnant by dragons but only got their genes incorporated with their own. When they the mated with a human man they got pregnant and the baby was born with dragon scales. These scales mature just like ordinary dragon scales over time with the child growing older going from black to white through a colour. These children also live longer than ordinary humans. But dragons do not willingly mate with anyone and everyone, and so over time half dragons became the symbol of the royal family. The queen always mates with a dragon before conceiving her first child who becomes a half dragon and thereby crown prince or crown princess. Children born after the first get some of the dragon genes, but not as much as the first born child and they get less and less with each child. (Drakgener uttrycks inte utan förekomsten av ett visst hormone (en endokrin signalmolekyl, dvs en molekyl som når alla celler genom att farads I blodomloppet). Detta hormon har en ovanligt lång halveringstid (typ ett år?) vilket leder till att färre och färre celler exponeras för det, vilket I sin tur ger att fle roch fler drakgener “stängs av” under fosterutvecklingen som en följd av brist på detta hormone. Därför avtar antalet synliga drak-drag med åren efter intag av hormonet. Gener och hormon fås från parning med drake). The dragons have conceded to this ritual in exchange for a safe haven, respect and a say about the politics of the country which might concern them. They are also an independent part of the army of Cleander. All of the royal family dress to conceal their scales if they have any (in-laws of course have not) so that diplomats and guests from foreign countries will not be scared or upset, since the royal family’s mating with dragons is not a knowledge widely spread beyond the borders of Cleander.

Dragon Princess

Dragons – Most dragons have come to live in the land of Cleander, or they at least seek shelter there sometimes. It is the only place in the world where they are left alone and is a part of the culture and looked upon as something good and revered. Thus the dragons respect the people and Cleander is also a part of their own history and culture. Dragons are born black, but with time their scales grow lighter in colour and so they are revealed to be blue or green or red and so on. Really old dragons are almost white.

Cleander - A quite small country with a very special history and culture. It has no access to the sea, but the great river ____ runs through the country and so the capital has a large harbour. Part of the mountain range ____ is also encompassed in Cleander and they also have a small forest full of bogs and marshes. Otherwise most of the country is open grass space. There is nothing in the way of desert and it only snows high up in the mountains. It does rain a bit as the sea is on the same side of the mountain range as Cleander. Behind the mountains is a desert. Due to so much of the mountains being contained in the country there no big towns besides the capital, although there are some small villages. The parts of the mountain range that are in Cleander have always been home to dragons and so those who settled here and “made” Cleander have always had dragons as neighbours and have chosen to be willing to live beside them and do what is necessary to get along, incorporating dragons in their history and culture, strongly growing apart from the other countries of the world.

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