Warrior - Emi

Warrior - Det skrå som fokuserar mest på styrka, både fysisk och mental. Det mest romantiserade av de fyra. Här blandas hård fysisk träning med fokusträning och man får lära sig grunderna i hantering av svärd, sköld och spikklubba. Det enda skrå som utpräglat använder olika typer av rustning.

De tre inriktningarna

Guardians - Also called Shield Masters. Warriors with an emphasis on defence. In combat they use their shields more than their swords. They wear the heaviest armour of all and can withstand massive attacks on their own. They are also educated in the arts of protecting someone or something else besides themselves. Their weapon of choice is the shield and sword.

Berserker - Warriors with emphasis on devastating attacks. They wield the heaviest weapons of all, trading the defence of the shield for the power of the two-handed mace. Berserkers fight until they fall, heedless of any wounds afflicted upon them. their weapon of choice is the mace.

Bladesinger - Warriors with an emphasis on balance, focus and gracefullness. Trading strength and defence for balance and accuracy it is the hardest warrior-class to master, but can be the most deadly. They use two double-edged swords and seem to dance effortlessly through any battle. Their weapon of choice is two double-edged swords.


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