Thief - jag

Thief - Ett skrå med stort fokus på smidighet och snabbhet. Namnet kommer av att den "hjälte" som grundade skrået från början varit en tjuv och att det är tjuvens främsta egenskaper som lärs ut (förutom hur man stjäl). Ett omtvistat skrå som ses av många/vissa utomstående som ett "öppet" kriminellt skrå. Här lär man sig grunderna i gifter/motgifter, spela teater/underhålla och att vara osynlig.

De tre inriktningarna:

Ninjas - Also called Shadow Walker or Nightblades. Stealth, agility and hidden weapons are of great importance. Masters of invisibility and deception, they strike from the shadows and steal away before you notice they where ever there. Their weapon of choice is a wide range of small, gainly blades.

Charlatans - Also called Jesters. They emphasize on striking unnoticed right in the open. Great performers, actors and entertainers they are agile and swift. They use no weapons, but battle through laying physical or mental traps. Skilled at improvising. Their weapon of choice is their own bodies.

Toximancers - Obssessed with poisons and venoms, but also with antidotes and with potions in general. They have a wide knowledge of plants and herblore and people are strongly adviced never to touch anything a toximancer has handled. Their weapon of choise is poisons.


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